Saturday, January 18, 2014

Survive Week 1: check.

You know what's odd? Starting new, again.
I feel as if I'm a Freshman (ugh, like..whatever; I totally did this last year), except it's a little scarier.

It's not easy to meet people when you're a visiting student coming in for second year courses halfway through the year. It doesn't make it any easier when all my courses are large lectures.

I did my laundry for the first time, the other day. I met Zubin, from New Zealand ("Pronounced like Reuben, but with a 'Z'"). He invited me over for drinks, on account of it being his flatmate's birthday. At first, it seemed a little scary..showing up to someone's flat for a girl's birthday whom I've never met, invited by someone whom I vaguely met while doing laundry.
But of course, it ended up being a lot of fun.

So now that I don't have to constantly feel anxious about the whole "making friends" thing (which can be a surprisingly repressive fear), I think everything is going to be great, here.

I finally met my third flatmate: Morgan, who is half Welsh and half Dutch. She's wonderful.

Anyway, my first week of classes is over. I'm enjoying them well enough. Classes are still classes..even in Edinburgh (not everything is romantic and fabulous).
One of the lecturers for my history course is quite British. I get a kick out of him.

Also, apparently it's not very common for people to pay over the 'pound' amount for something, but still pay exact change. I found a cheap hair straightener for £7.96. So I paid £20.96, and the cashier was insanely confused.

I have also been a part of the "Spot the American" game. I really wanted fries, the other day. After I ordered, I looked at the menu and realized my mistake of calling them fries, so I said, "Oh right, fries are chips. And chips are crisps. And pants are trousers cause underwear is pants..." and then I looked over to find a couple of locals who were laughing. "You must be from America", they said. Yes. I am an American. You found me.

Well. That was Week 1.
I survived!
Bring it on, Edinburgh. I can do this.

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